Mohammad Ramin Shafizada

Mohammad Ramin Shafizada Holding MBA degree along with TOEFL 90 score with ten years work experience.
  • Kabul, Afghanistan
  • June 4, 2023

As a young economist, I am extremely motivated towards performing great responsibilities for the future My motivation makes me to search for any opportunity relevant to my career, as well as, to explore for taking responsibilities guiding me towards achieving my goals. I would like to apply for the announced position considering my work experience & studies in similar field. I have a bachelor's degree from Statistical and computer section from Economics Faculty, Kabul University and beside this I have done my MBA (master's in business administration) from Bakhtar Institute of Higher Education University, Kabul, Afghanistan. I have been engaged working both with Government, international and national organizations in different positions Technical and supporting that have contributed significantly to boosting my experience in particular in finance, administration, program reporting, communication and management. My last working was as a National Consultant Strengthening Financial Management, procurement and Internal Audit in ministry of Public Health funded by GAVI/UNICEF. Beside this I have worked in different positions like manger, policy officer, accountant, translator & deputy manager. I am sure working with your organization will benefit both parties in terms of performing well for the people and building capacity for young Economic officials.

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MBA @ Bakhtar Institute of Higher Education
Apr 2013 — Apr 2015

I have a bachelor's degree from Statistical and computer section from Economics Faculty, Kabul University and beside this I have done my MBA (master's in business administration) from Bakhtar Institute of Higher Education University, Kabul, Afghanistan.


National Consultant Strengthening Financial Management, Procurement & Internal Audit @ Ministry of Public Health/GAVI/UNICEF
Mar 2017 — Dec 2022

Technical Assistance to Finance, Procurement and Internal Audit Departments beside this, responsible for budget and finance tasks for NGOs
Finance delegation for evaluation of Projects in accordance with Grant Contract Management Unit of MoPH
Receiving quarterly reports from NGOs and check their activities based on their financial proposal and contract signed with MoPH.

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