
The salary will be commensurate with the applicant’s level of experience and education. We have an opening on our team in Canada for an educator that is not only extremely driven but also has a lot of teaching experience. The individual who is chosen to fill this position will be in charge of developing and delivering engaging educational opportunities for students studying at a variety of educational levels.


  • Lessons of a high quality should be planned, prepared, and presented. They should be interesting to the students, and they should match the learning goals outlined in the curriculum.
  • Use a range of methods, such as tests, assignments, and presentations, to assess and evaluate the progress that students have made.
  • Establish a teaching setting that is upbeat, welcoming, and inclusive, and that caters to the various educational requirements of the pupils.
  • Make efficient use of available technologies to improve one’s educational experience.
  • Work with your coworkers to develop and implement the curriculum, as well as participate in activities that span both the department and the entire school.
  • Maintain open and honest communication with the student’s parents and guardians regarding the student’s academic progress, and continuously offer support and comments.
  • Take advantage of possibilities for professional development so that you can hone your teaching abilities and remain up to date with current educational standards.


  • A bachelor’s degree in either education or a field closely linked to it is required.
  • Certification to teach that is current in Canada
  • Experience in the classroom for a minimum of two years, preferably gained at a Canadian institution
  • knowledge both of the creation of curricula and of current educational best practises that can be demonstrated.
  • Superior abilities in both speaking and interacting with others
  • Superior abilities in organisation and time management
  • Capability to operate cooperatively with one’s coworkers and one’s support team
  • A deep love for the classroom and a dedication to the achievement of each individual student
  • If you are someone who is interested in teaching and meet the qualifications, we strongly invite you to submit an application for this exciting opportunity to become a member of our team in Canada.

What Does the Teacher Do?

Students at all different levels of education are entrusted to the care of their teachers, who are tasked with the creation and facilitation of productive educational experiences. Their primary responsibility is to make it easier for students to study by supplying them with the information, practises, and resources they need to be successful in both their academic and personal endeavors.

It’s possible for a teacher’s exact responsibilities to change based on the curriculum they teach, their educational background, and the setting in which they work. Nevertheless, some of the typical responsibilities that teachers have are the following:

  • Lesson planning and preparation: Teachers are responsible for developing lesson plans that are in line with the curriculum and cater to the specific educational requirements of their pupils.
  • Instructional delivery involves the use of a variety of teaching strategies, including but not limited to lectures, group discussions, and activities that require students to use their hands, in order to increase student participation in the learning process.
  • Exams, quizzes, and student projects are all examples of ways in which teachers evaluate their students’ progress and determine how much they have learned. They make use of this information to adapt the teaching tactics that they utilise and to provide feedback to the pupils.
  • The management of the classroom entails the promotion of respect and mutual understanding among students, as well as the maintenance of discipline, in order to create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning that is also positive and welcoming of all students.
  • Communicating with Parents and Guardians The teachers have regular conversations with the parents and guardians of their students to discuss the progress of the students, offer support and feedback, and work together with the parents and guardians to resolve any concerns or problems that may arise.
  • Teachers work together with other educators and support personnel to develop and implement curriculum, participate in school-wide projects, and share best practises to improve teaching and learning. This is accomplished through collaboration.
  • Continuing professional development is a process in which educators participate in ongoing professional development opportunities in order to improve the learning outcomes for their students, strengthen their own teaching abilities, and remain current on the educational best practises.
  • In a nutshell, the primary responsibility of a teacher is to promote student learning and academic accomplishment by means of efficient lesson design, instruction, and evaluation, as well as collaboration with other teachers and various stakeholders.

Educational and Professional Development Opportunities

Individuals go through both formal and informal learning experiences in order to gain the knowledge, skills, and competences necessary to work in a specific industry. These are referred to as education and training experiences.

The term “education” refers to the organised learning experiences that are made available to students by educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. Education, as opposed to training, is characterised by a higher degree of formalisation and structure, and its primary goal is to impart an all-encompassing knowledge of a specific field. The following are some examples of common educational experiences:

  • Education that is provided to pupils at the elementary and secondary levels with the goal of establishing a solid foundation in fundamental academic areas is referred to as primary and secondary education.
  • The term “higher education” refers to the post-secondary education received at colleges, universities, and vocational schools. This type of education may include both undergraduate and graduate levels of study in a variety of subject areas.
  • Vocational education is a type of education that focuses on teaching students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for pursuing particular occupations, such as electrical work, plumbing, and cosmetology.
  • On the other hand, training is the process of acquiring the competencies and information necessary for a particular occupation or line of work. It emphasises hands-on experience and practical abilities rather than theoretical knowledge and is often less formal than education. The following are some examples of popular types of training experiences:
  • On-the-Training that takes place while an individual is engaged in a certain occupation or profession is referred to as “job training.” The majority of the time, the employer is the one who is responsible for providing this kind of training, and the primary focus is on acquiring skills that are directly relevant to the position.
  • Training that is geared towards assisting individuals in enhancing their competence and expertise in a particular profession is referred to as “professional development.” Typically, professional societies, conferences, and seminars are the venues in which training of this kind is presented.
  • Apprenticeships are defined as formal training programmes that include both classroom instruction and training on the job. Apprenticeships are commonly seen in the construction and manufacturing industries, particularly in skilled professions like welding and carpentry.

In general, individuals are not able to gain the knowledge and abilities essential for success in the occupations of their choosing without first participating in educational and training experiences. Education and training can both be done in a formal setting or in a more casual setting, and they can happen at various phases of a person’s life based on the career aspirations that they have and the personal circumstances that they are in.

Compensation and Advantages

When considering new employment prospects, employees give significant weight to monetary compensation as well as other advantages. The following is an outline of the wage and benefits packages offered at various workplaces:


The amount of money that an employee makes for their labour is referred to as their salary. There can be a large range of variation in salaries due to factors such as the sector, region, job title, and level of experience. Salary levels are subject to negotiation between the employee and the employer in specific circumstances. In other circumstances, pay could be determined by industry norms or agreements reached through collective bargaining.


Employees are typically provided with additional types of pay known as benefits by their employers. The term “benefits” can refer to a variety of privileges, like as health insurance, retirement programmes, paid time off, and other opportunities. Because they can enhance work-life balance and create a sense of financial stability, benefits have the potential to be an essential component in both the recruitment and retention of employees.

The following are some examples of common benefits provided by employers:

  • Health Insurance: Employers have the option of providing health insurance policies to their staff members and their families in order to assist with the cost of medical care.
  • Plans for Retirement: Employers have the option of providing their employees with retirement plans such as 401(k) plans or pension plans in order to assist them in saving for retirement.
  • Employers could be required to provide their workers with paid time off for vacations, sick days, or personal days.
  • Employers have the option of providing their workers with flexible work arrangements, such as the ability to work from home or adjust their schedules, in order to assist their workers in achieving a healthy work-life balance.
  • chances for Professional Development May Be Offered by Employers These chances for professional development may be offered by employers and may take the form of training programmes, tuition reimbursement, or mentorship programmes.
  • When assessing potential employment options, it is crucial to take into account not just the income but also the benefits package. Employees should do study on the standards that are used in their business and negotiate with their employers to ensure that they are receiving appropriate payment and perks for their work.


To summarise, the role of a teacher is to enhance student learning by providing effective instruction, evaluation, and support for the students in their classroom. Education and training experiences are essential for individuals to obtain the information and skills necessary for success in the occupations that they choose, and a competitive wage and comprehensive benefits package are crucial considerations for workers when assessing potential employment possibilities.

Employees have a responsibility to bargain with their employers in order to ensure that they are receiving market-competitive salary and benefits for the work that they do. Employers have a responsibility to provide fair compensation and benefits in order to attract and keep talented employees. A strong collaboration between employers and employees can, in the long run, lead to a workforce that is more productive, more contented, and more successful.

How to Apply for this Job

By email: simplyfunplayschool@shaw.ca

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